Food Lunatic

Wordless wednesday

Wordless wednesday

Wordless wednesday.....

Nasi Lemak Matton

I was at Taiping recently and since the hotel I stayed does not provide any breakfast buffet, I drve myself around town. I stopped by at Petronas station to refuel and I saw people coming in and out at the next building nearby. When I passed by, I saw a Medan Selera. 

Located beside Petronas station Kamunting town, Nasi Lemak Matton seems to be famous!
It's my first time here and from outside, it looks isolated and all but I was wrong, people are already queing up for the Nasi Lemak.

A straight forward Nasi Lemak stall and even while queing up you can hear your own tummy. Man the smell of the rice really drools me.

People in front of me packed like 20 packs, 15 packs, 7 packs.. I was talking to myself. This must be really good.

When my turn come..
Mak Cik Nasi Lemak: Nasi Lemak nak berapa dik?
Me : Dua bungkus makan ye kak.

2 packs terus! 

The 'administration' and 'production line' was quite fast and organised.
At one go, this makcik can pack 35 packs of Nasi Lemak. 

It's simple but tasty! 
One can never go wrong with a milky Nasi Lemak, cucumber cut, boild egg and sambal ikan bilis for only RM1.20 per pack. 

My next trip to Taiping, I will definitely come back here!

Food Lunatic Verdict:
  • Halal
  • Highly recommended
  • 4/5
  • The sambal is quite sour'ish'
  • The rice is to die for. Even the smell makes you drool.

Resipi : Nasi Goreng Hijau

Got nasi leftovers from yesterday?
Still OK?
Keep it in your fridge and let's fry Nasi Goreng Hijau for the next day breakfast!

(This is for around half pot of rice)

1. Rice (of course)
2. Ikan bilis (amount up to you to decide)
3. 3 biji cili hijau
4. 2/3 biji cili padi (I added more because I love pedas)
5. 2 biji telur (if you want)
6. 1 kiub pati ikan bilis Knorr
7. 3 biji bawang kecil
8. 1 biji bawang besar

Cara - cara:
1. Goreng ikan bilis hingga garing. Kemudian, angkat dan asingkan.
2. Kisarkan (Blend) bawang kecil, cili hijau dan cili padi.

3. Panaskan minyak
4. Tumis bawang besar hingga layu dan naik bau
5. Masukkan bahan-bahan yang dikisar tadi (No. 2). Tumis hingga cili masak dan naik bau.
6. Masukkan kiub pati ikan bilis Knorr
7. Masukkan nasi dan gaul rata.
8. Buat kawah di pertengahan kuali dan pecahkan telur. Kacaukan telur dan kaup tutup dengan nasi. Gaul rata.
9. Masukkan ikan bilis goreng tadi dan gaul rata.

and it's done!
So easy.. Tak perlu garam pun.

Give it a try peeps!